From termites to wasps!
Eiwa House Guard for all your housing needs!
Features of Our Company
Thorough removalof termites

The quality of termite damage varies greatly depending on whether the contractor has a wide range of knowledge and experience regarding inspection, prevention, and removal. We promise high-quality construction based on the knowledge, experience, and skills of our staff that we have developed since our founding.
Extensive construction results from homes to shrines and temples

We carefully maintain and preserve buildings, from ordinary houses to shrines, temples, and cultural properties.
Business Details
Company Profile
Termites are in my precious home...!
Please contact Eiwa Houseguard in Yatsuya, Kurayoshi City before such a nightmare strikes.
We have a wealth of experience and technology that we have developed since our establishment, and we can provide you with protection against termite, extermination, and investigation services. We are well-versed in the habits of termites, so we can provide you with services that only our company can.
We also provide wasp extermination services, so if you have any concerns about your home, please contact us first. Our staff will respond promptly.